Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chromecast update stuck on 0%

I went to use Chromecast and the first thing it did was try to update itself.
Then Chromecast update was stuck on 0% so making it unusable!?!?

So, I did a Google 'chromecast update stuck on 0%' and the result was too much information with no fix instructions.  Until this post following... go to...

Then search for 'Fintan Maher'.

The above may be a little to brief for some so here's more detail....

Give yourself plenty of time.
Once I got the update to work it took 35 minutes over a 3G-phone connection.
All-up, it took me over 2 hours.

The problem is Chromecast wanting to update itself, but could not.
There is no error message, and instead the screen shows it stuck on 0% progress.
I consider this a major defect - the update should have timed out and allowed me to continue using Chromecast with the old firmware.
But the root of the problem is Chromecast NOT being able to get to the Internet and downloading the update.
The Internet connection is the problem - it will be working for other devices but not for the Chromecast update.

So, how to get around this?
Use another internet connection.
I swapped from my home wifi (in New Zealand this was spark-telecom-fibre-broadband) to a 3G connection (a vodafone phone hotspot using an android smartphone).

Enable a phone wifi hotspot.
Connect a laptop or tablet to the wifi hotspot - the laptop you will use to re-install Chromecast.
Don't unplug Chromcast; instead reset Chromecast by holding down the reset button for 25 seconds.
The LED will go from white to red.
Wait until the LED goes back to white.
Re-install Chromecast, and this time connect to the wifi hotspot and not your home wifi.
For a laptop use https://cast.google.com/chromecast/setup
For a tablet or phone use the Chromecast app.
Once you have successfully re-installed, the update will kick in and take 35 or more minutes to update Chromecast.

Once the update is complete, re-install Chromecast again to swap back to the original wifi connection.
Turn off the phone wifi hotspot.
Change the laptop or tablet or phone back to your home wifi.
Reset Chromecast as above using the reset button.
Re-install Chromecast as above using your home wifi in the settings.
Do a cast to make sure all is good.


  1. This totally solved my update issue.

  2. This solved my problem as well thanks a lot for sharing!

  3. It worked! Thanks.

  4. OMG Thank You for this. You just saved my marriage! Voda hotspot worked a treat.

  5. Thanks a lot bro.. This is works

  6. I fixed Chromecast stuck on 0% update by rebooting with little button THEN switching the cable box cable to HMI-2. Then plugging Chromecast cable into HMI-1 port on the TV and selecting HMI-1 setting. Chromecast update started loading and rebooted itself about 3 times. With-in 6 or 7 minutes it was ready to CAST! Yay finally. It took my 4 hours to figure it out as there were no solutions on the internet blogs.

    1. After months of unplugging and rebooting and reading countless fixes online, this one finally worked. Thank-you soooo much, E. Spencer!!!

    2. That is great this fix worked for you. Can you explain what does 'E Spencer' mean by 'the cable box cable' and also 'HMI-2'?

    3. I had the same problem when trying to setup from android phone.. I set it back to factory settings with the app and did the setup on the pc on the chromecast setup site (search google) than it updated first try

  7. Thanks for the info - works great - now up and running :)

  8. Genius! You should work for Google

  9. Excellent. You turned my frown upside down.

  10. Dude, I would blow you if you were here!!!! THANKS!

  11. Thank you for this advice; worked perfectly!

  12. Aaaand FIXED! Thank you so much for sharing this solution! Worked perfectly. Tried so many other tips, like rebooting the router, resetting the Chromecast several times, etc. But this finally got it past the 0% freeze!

  13. Aaaand FIXED! Thank you so much for sharing this solution! Worked perfectly. Tried so many other tips, like rebooting the router, resetting the Chromecast several times, etc. But this finally got it past the 0% freeze!

  14. In 5th step you ask to reset, will that remove the update from chromecast?

    1. No, as the update is already applied. The Reset refers to resetting the connection from 3G/4G back to wifi.

  15. worked perfectly for me!

  16. Hello, Thank you very much for this detailed information. I have followed your steps and unfortunately it is still not working for me. I've tried it multiple times and it just won't update. Do you know if there is any other way to solve this issue. Thank you very much for all your help.

    1. At the start of the post I mentioned 'Fintan Maher'. Above that is a link with many fixes and they all differ. It depends on your type of internet connection. E.g. this fix does not always work for USA cable connections.

  17. Yessss....I just used my phone's 4G hotspot to update my chromecast and it worked. Previously my laptop wifi wasn't able to get internet connection so the update was stuck at 0%.
    Thanks for the advice Hei Tana.

  18. How much data does the update use? Don't have much left for this month...

    1. I'm not sure how much data it uses. I did an quick google but no clarity there.

    2. Had this issue yesterday - it took about 45 MB according to my phone's data usage.

    3. I used almost 200 mb. This could be partly from connecting another device and that updating and what not.

  19. We know that Chromecast is the best source to watch all the desktop or smartphone content on a large screen(like TV, Projector screen)
    how to rest chromecast

    1. Why did you post? It has nothing to do with this fix.
